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Imagine being a paid Internet troll who wages war against "terrorism", while riceeving a government paycheck, funded via Your Tax Dollars. It takes a special kind of dimwit to take a job like that one. One envisions a small-weinered coward who had his lunch money stolen repetitively as a child (same thing for policemen), who now firmly believes he finally has a chance to "be somebody" and "get even with the bastards". Yeah, he'll show us, he'll show us all - he'll show us exactly how spiritually retarded and galactically myopic he really is. For whom will he troll against if his masters are successful in their quest for a New World Order? If the End Game plays out like the Satanists hope it will, and they kill off 90% of us and put the rest of us in cages working for Nike, what good will his "trolling skills" be at that point? He doesn't realize that if his team "wins", he will have outlived his usefulness. He doesn't realize that he will then be next in line for extermination. He doesn't realize that he will then be the "useless eater". Oops. The one thing you can truly count on is the inability of the servants of the Dark Side to think two jumps ahead of the game. Which is why they are servants, and not masters. But disloyalty is an infinite concept - as above, so below. And at which precise rung of the Elitist Ladder does disloyalty end? The answer is, it doesn't. It goes on and on, just like we do. And those who reside on the rungs of the ladder above you, hate you just as much as you hate those who reside on the rungs of the ladder beneath you. Don't think so? Ask your boss if you really are safe, if they really have a place reserved for you in the New World Order. Ask him for specifics - ask him what the perks will be and where you will be going after the shit comes down. Watch his eyes. Listen to his words. And then think about what I've written here. Yeah. The jig is up, douche monkey. You'll be next in line for the gas chambers. And you can count on that one. Which is why the Elite are engaged in mass suicide at the moment, and they do not realize it. They resonate with the vibration of elitism, and their blind spot is their arrogance. The harder they squeeze, the faster they kill themselves. For the aforementioned reasons. And ain't that a kick in the ass, knowing that the whole thing boils down to a calculus equation, whereby "X" represents the extremely low limit of the average elitist's life span, as "Y" approaches infinity? So it goes...